I totally understand the artistic choice of ending in the way you did. But COME ON! I’m going to be wondering forever now. Which I suppose is the point. Either way, I appreciate the club of belonging you’ve created on this corner of the internet

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Came here to say the same. I literally swore out loud when I realized that was the end… which is a sign that I was invested in a story about a subculture I have no real interest in, in a place I haven’t been in 20 years. A testament, I guess, to the excellent storytelling of PJ et al.

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fwiw freakonomics did a crossover/interview about this episode where the question is answered, here: https://freakonomics.com/podcast/the-fascinatingly-mundane-secrets-of-the-worlds-most-exclusive-nightclub/

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(if you want to jump to the answer, click 'full transcript' and search for "Did you spend time inside Berghain?" on the page)

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What a classy way to get people where they need to go.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Jimmy you just made my day, can't wait to give it a listen to see if my suspicions are confirmed. Either way, we all know Sruthi got in

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Jimmy out here doing the Lord's work

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I was completely convinced there MUST be a Part 3 coming in Season 2 until I read the newsletter and came here to see if I was the only one. I totally get it, and love the choice, but I wasn't prepared for a cliffhanger like that!

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Just finished listening and came straight to here to say the same 😆 Brilliant season finale. Congrats PJ. I enjoyed it immensely.

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Jun 29Liked by PJ Vogt

These episodes reminded me of how much I used to love dancing at clubs 25 years ago... now that I'm old and unable to do a lot of the "fitness" things I would like to do (injuries, blah blah), I'm encouraged to try and find some of these parties locally. Hopefully they start at 5pm and I can leave by 10 because I can't stay up all night anymore!!

Thank you!

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Jun 29Liked by PJ Vogt

I awoke at 4am. Not unusual. iPhone suggested this podcast. As a person whose adult life has mirrored the 30 year arc of this story I was hooked; I was a student in Paris when the Berlin Wall came down, my room mate went there to participate; I subsequently disappeared for 10 years into the European rave scene with a volatile mix of abandon and conviction: dancer, dealer, DJ, promoter though only ever any good at the first, I now have jetset friends who fly round the world to spend the weekend at Berghain. Like many who grew up in this 1990-2020 time I’ve been left a little confused a little numb a little lacking in reference points as to where things have ended up and can even be convinced that perhaps I was mistaken; maybe we were always vulgar, cynical, selfish, brutal, sexist, racist and unkind though my memories tell me otherwise. Truth be told I listen to podcasts to get me back to sleep. Far from inducing drowsiness two hours later I was rigid and alert, staring at the ceiling. As the early summer light began creeping round the blinds and my wife stirred gently beside me I was overcome with sorrow. For the music, for the people, for the bright dance-filled utopia that never came but most importantly for the bravery of these people who understand what fascism looks like, what totalitarian surveillance feels like who are still on the barricades trying to protect us from ourselves. I’m not familiar with the types of accolades for which podcasts are eligible but this one deserves a Pulitzer. See you in Berlin…

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by PJ Vogt

It’s been HOT here. Humid and hot. I decided to wait until after sunset to go for a walk to listen. I left my house and I walked through Boxhagener Platz. It was full of people on the grass enjoying the warm evening, the smell of newly decriminalized pot in the air. I walked down to RAW, filled with people filtering into the clubs and bars there, or waiting for their food from an imbiss. I crossed Warschauer and passed a trio of ecstatic dancers, gyrating to a portable speaker. I walked along the leafy path that lines the community gardens along the train tracks. With twilight fallen and wisps of pink clouds low on the horizon, Berghain rose above me. Was it always that deep? Was it really so tall? I think this every time. I walked past someone using the all-black ATM. I walked passed the line of Friday-night hopefuls. Lots of black tank tops on the humid night. A group with young men in big boots and mesh tops and eye makeup. They’ll get in. A group of young woman with shiny hair and slim long skirts. They won’t. Past the imbiss that must sell a truckload of Club Mate a week. Around and through the new office towers and the sports hall. Crossed back behind U Warschauer and south of the tracks. The show reached its climax as I crossed Modersohnbrücke. I paused there, looking back west at the glittering scene and the final glow of the day. I cried as I thought of my love for this ever changing city. The parts that are more beautiful but less raw. The parts that still surprise me. The late summer evenings when everyone is out and the night never really comes … I walk past Süss war gestern. And I am home.

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Jun 29Liked by PJ Vogt

The techno Spotify playlist truly pumped me up to go to a dance fitness class tonight. While my gym is not as exclusive as Berghain, it still gets me dancing and sweaty with strangers :) thanks for the playlist!

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The second episode and finale was a great history lesson on techno. I was like “techno was born in Detroit - no way”. The music was awesome as well and way to leave us with a cliffhanger! I understood your point of the ending but I will still left wondering if you got in.

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Glad to see how this story played out in pt 2. “How do I get into berghain” is kind of the “what time is the superbowl” of electronic music media, which has made for a cycle of stories about getting in leading to more tourists going just to get in, leading to more people turned away, leading to more content about how to get in… If I can be salty here, Pt 1 did feel like more of that, but thank you for doing the Reply All thing of unearthing the story under the story (full disclosure: I am 3 for 4 for getting in, each time looking like a generic north american white guy).

Congrats on an amazing season, which has filled a huge hole in my podcast heart.

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Wow - not sure if this hit so hard because I am a nostalgic house music club kid, and post eastern EU expat - but part 2 was one of the best reported podcasts I've heard. I learned so much. In a time when democracy can feel like its crumbling, and the event industry is rigged, it is encouraging to hear that the government is siding with culture and the people and the clubs somewhere. And FWIW, I found the cliffhanger a way to respect everything you'd discovered about the way the people protect the ethos there. So I also don't know what the awards are in your industry but ya'll deserve it. Congrats and thank you for this season and sharing this journey!

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Hi PJ - I've really enjoyed the whole season of Search Engine but the last two episodes have been the highlight of the season, despite the cliff hanger ending :p

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My experience with dance music.

I hated it when I started listening to music. The day it clicked with me was when I was driving home after a long day at work and my local indie radio station's dance music show was on. For some reason the stars aligned and it just made sense. I turned it up full volume and that was it.

The dance and rave-y / rave adjacent scene here can be a bit clicky so I find it hard to attend stuff in the same way I attend gigs or theatre solo. Imo it feels very like image and looks focused? Or maybe thats just how I perceive it. However, in the summers we hold DIY beach raves and they are always awesome.

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Congrats on season one! It's been a fun - and informative - ride.

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Came running here for some closure after that ending but to no avail....

Great episode and a very fun perspective to view the club scene and it was so much fun to share the episode amongst my friends with whom we've been there and revel at the perspective from outsiders and how at the end of the day belonging is the answer to it all...

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25 years ago I used to go to a "nightclub" in Liverpool that was in a converted Georgian house in a row of Georgian houses (in the the UK called terraced) near the city centre. These houses are narrow but long. There was very little signage and the windows were boarded on the inside. You had to knock on the door and a West-Indian man would let you in if it wasn't too full. The dance floor was a room at the back that had 4 pillars a corner bar and a DJ booth. This place used to play a bit of everything but in a student city more edm and Indie. I really loved dancing in that club.

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Anyone know the track at 31min in episode 1? thx

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Tip: If you ask a question tied to a particular time code (that is, M minutes, or mm:ss ), you should specify if you listened to free ad-supported episode on Search Engine feed, or if ad-free paid version on Incognito Mode, because the episode times will be different.

That said, you might be looking for song "Ebumnandini" by DJ Cue SA, or less likely "Get Back" by Silent Partner.

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Brilliant end to an excellent first season! I found myself wondering “am I too old to go dancing?” Many times while listening to episode 2. Answer…HELL NO!!! Can’t wait for season 2.

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First of all I like the podcast even topics I don't necessarily care for ( not a criticism) they are all informative and full of insights, one question I have and pardon my ignorance if so many know about this, but did a bunch of boat owners really get their gps's together and say we are all in this together or was it just a meme and why

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