Decentralized bosses! web3 concept I can get behind :)

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My partner is FURIOUS about the crypto tiktok song. I can't stop singing it. great episode

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This is exactly what I needed today, looking forward to listening right now.

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Thanks for this, PJ. Great episode! There's a candidate for governor here in Minnesota whose platform includes #crypto. But there's no formal idea or description of what he means that I can find, and he's totally ignoring me on Twitter when I asked him to describe what he means by it. It's really strange. I feel like he's just shilling. Have you seen this elsewhere? Do you know about him? Maybe there's an episode or story in here for you? Guy used to be a TV personality in the Twin Cities metro https://twitter.com/CoryHepola and now represents @Fwd_Party -- here's him ignoring me https://twitter.com/ivanstegic/status/1528167789084696576

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Are you the audio editor on the series? I’ve noticed there isn’t an editor named in the show’s credits. Great show, thanks for doing it.

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Another crash, another opportunity for another story on another crash.

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Happy to support you PJ, great series thus far.

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One reason people look to cryptocurrencies is to get better rates than in their savings accounts, but what about an episode comparing investing in mutual funds compared to investing in cryptocurrencies? Help people realize how much safer mutual funds can be, compare returns from the last 12 months, 2 years, 5 years, and then point out how much longer the market has been providing stable returns...

Just an Idea.

Also, With Alex leaving Reply all, any thought of a joint episode? Are you guys still friends outside of the podcast business?

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Just wanted to say I’ve really been enjoying the podcast. I’m glad you’re making content again, keep up the great work!

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I have been “in Crypto” for a few years now. Sometimes I miss just enjoying the story, like I used to on podcasts before crypto. Now my days are filled with doing my own “research”. Virtuosic acts of creative journalism like “Who was Wayne” among others are in the podcasting art hall of fame archive in my mind! I bought into Terra a over a year ago(small bag) still fond of Do. It feels very dreamlike to have you in “my” crypto world. Wasn’t sure I would be able to listen to your crypto take, and maybe that is part of the appeal to me, the open question of: will he do a shallow view?, but so far you have not disappointed me👏🏻

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Hey Joss. I'm glad you're finding it nuanced. It's a complicated world and I'm trying to represent that complication as fairly as I can. And my inbox is always open if there's something that feels off.

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fantastic piece; your storytelling ability is unmatched.

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Everyone loves a bull until you find the shit. If you can't bear the bear, you'll dip at the dip. Hodlrs beware, another big scare, don't play if you can't take the hit.

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Can you explain why it crashed?

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Listen to the story!

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I did (and I’m really enjoying the podcast in general, as a crypto sceptic)- and I think you cover well why it failed, but I’d like to know more about the attack vector you refer to that you said someone with a lot of money could have used to take it down - how would that have worked? And why this week not any other?

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Oh! I see. Let me find you the link describing the attack.

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Ok thanks - that’s super complicated but from what I do understand, it’s a way to break the algorithm by making large value transactions in Luna. I can see why you didn’t go into more detail on the podcast. Has anyone yet figured out if someone actually did this (or something similar?)

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I don't think anyone has yet found evidence of what exactly happened on via chain analysis yet. But I'm curious & keeping an eye on it over at Crypto Island HQ.

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