Feb 5Liked by Sruthi Pinnamaneni

Sruthi! Happy to hear you!

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Feb 2Liked by Sruthi Pinnamaneni

It was a great interview. I wonder how to handle fame in a world where everyone can comment on anything - even this podcast. I wonder about an alternative world of the internet without incessant comment capability. It is an amazing capability that can be wonderful and terrible I am sure. In 2005 I had a family blog - pre Facebook, and wrote about travel to Europe during a business trip and Rick Steves commented with suggestions on where to go and what to do next time I was there. Which was really exhilarating and strange that Rick Steves, the travel expert, tv show host, and travel guide author and publisher, was wandering around the internet and had the time and capability to write a comment on my random blogpost.

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Feb 2Liked by Sruthi Pinnamaneni

I’ve listened to a number of interviews with Molly Ringwald and I think this is probably the best one I’ve heard. It was just a joy to listen to.

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Feb 3Liked by PJ Vogt, Sruthi Pinnamaneni

Man that episode was so good. Thank you PJ. Thank you Molly.

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Feb 4Liked by Sruthi Pinnamaneni

What a beautiful episode

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Great episode! I came home today and immediately shared with my husband and child, Guess what! PJ Vogt is friends with Molly Ringwald! I had to explain it in 2 parts b/c my child is only 12 and has no idea who Molly Ringwald is but he LOVES Reply All and listened to so many episodes with me (he still is sad it's over, we listen to old episodes often), and my husband obv knows who Molly Ringwald is but doesn't know hosts of podcasts. I shared my amazement so that both could be in awe from their own half of the knowing. (Only knowing half of the thing does not generate close to the full amount of awe). So my question is: how did you meet Molly Ringwald??

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I look forward to this episode. I'm not sure if this article you reference is the one where Ringwald is a tad scathing of some of the choices Hughes made for the characters in the Breakfast Club, like having Bender upskirt Claire. Popular movies of the 80s were not known for their sophistication but they're all we had. I'm a woman, I was not offended by that scene. What I was offended by was how they turned the only interesting character, Allison, into a more palatable version of a girl that even a jock would like.

Side note, I interviewed Ringwald in the late 90s or early 00s and was so starstruck, and it was the worst interview I've ever had...

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Why was it the worst interview?

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Oh it was my fault. I really didn't want to talk about the very bad film she'd just made and I wanted to talk about her life as an 80s feminist icon. She did not want to talk about anything but the very bad movie.

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