Hey PJ, I could honestly do with more random short form thoughts sent out as newsletter releases, even if they are updates to the updates you just sent clarifying the error in the previous update.

But seriously, I dig the whole 'I'm trying to work out how to say this particular thing, anyone have any ideas?...' or 'I'm working on a story at the moment that has me travelling to xyz, and the person I'm interviewing has really changed the way I think about a topic unrelated to the story I'm working on, so I wanted to write some messy unpolished thoughts'

Makes me feel more involved in your journalism, and that's why I'm supporting you anyway, you know? I think what you do is brilliant, but it's the involvement that really tickles me. Seeing a bit of the process. Joining you on the journey.

Anyway, just some thoughts, not sure if anyone agrees. Keep doin what you do!

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I swapped from my legacy $5 monthly subscription to the annual $50 subscription :) happy to pay to have nice things! thanks for what you and the team do

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Going to dress up as “Undefined array key "currency"" for Halloween because the error message is the stuff of literal nightmares.

(But happy to report I successfully subscribed).

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blame the php nannies and upgrading to 8. they hates devs and i hateses them. also what halloween parties are you going to so i can avoid them :-)

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Ok I haven't signed up BUT I hereby promise to you and to the world, once I land a job I will happily plunk down $50 for a year's worth of searching.

I've had some good interviews lately so hopefully by...April-ish?

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I got the job offer! Which means you've got one more searcher signed up, and very happy to be able to do so :)

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Congrats! And thank you!

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Good luck on the job hunt!

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YAY!!!! I signed up at the Finder tier! I have loved your work since I listened to Reply All on a road trip to the Grand Canyon with my mom in 2018. I'm really excited to be able to support what you're doing!

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Have grace on yourself! You are human after all. Albeit, a good human at that. Thanks for the gift of storytelling you share so beautifully.

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Feeling fortunate that I slacked off and waited a day to subscribe to Incognito Mode. If I had tried and failed as soon as the announcement came, my ADHD would have meant that I wouldn't subscribe. So, in a way, this worked out for you!

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No sweat, looking forward to the episode tomorrow!

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Yay it worked!

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Fool me once…

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so happy you sent out the second email! happy to join

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Yay! It worked

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I have an economic question: which of the payment methods you provide charges you the lowest fee? Are you allowed to say or does that break some kind of contract just the payment providers you’ve chosen?

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A mistake… Or brilliant ploy to send a second message that just says please sign up, three times ;)

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I didn't even know this was possible to have subscribed content in Spotify. Don't know where I've been but this is amazing. Decided to subscribe after your media apocalypse episode guilted me into it...

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It still throws an impassable and unhelpful "Please correct above errors" (when there are no visible errors) if you have ad-block on. I emailed the help email with this information.

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Thanks Jason. If you don't hear back, let me know firstnamelastname85@gmail.com

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